Families, Children & Youth


Children, teens and their families—of many diverse configurations—are an integral part of Crossroads life. They are active participants in the the worshiping community of Crossroads, acting as ushers, greeters, and acolytes (candle lighters); offering up songs and gifts of music; and sometimes planning and leading the entire service. When the regular Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM, they sit at the front with Worship Mentors—adults who guide and encourage the young ones into being active participants in worship—then head off to their church school classes or the childcare center.

The church school is managed by our Associate for Families, Children and Youth, Malia Galindo (“Pastor Malia”), and is led by dedicated members of the congregation who teach classes on a rotational basis. Four classes on Sunday mornings include Nursery, Pre-K/Kindergarten, Elementary, and Teen. The nursery/childcare positions are professionally staffed, while the Sunday school teachers are all volunteers. In addition, the keiki music program led by volunteer Joanna Habermann frequently includes singing during the morning worship services and Christmas pageants, and features student instrumentalists during liturgical events throughout the year.

Our youth participate in many other activities throughout the year as well, including community service days, nature hikes and moonrise viewings, beach potlucks, movie nights, holiday parties, theater and concert outings, basketball and volleyball games, and much more. Contact Malia Galindo for more information.


Please contact members of our Mission Teams if you would like to get involved in any of our ministries.


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